The Eight International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES 2013)
To be held in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2013 – http://www.ares-conference.eu).
September 2nd – 6th, 2013
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany
FARES establishes an in-depth academic platform to exchange novel theories, designs, applications and on-going research results among researchers and practitioners in different Computing Dependability aspects which emphasize the Practical Issues in Availability, Reliability and Security. Papers of excellence in the following topics armed for this Symposium:
Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:
Applied Tools and Applications
Authorization and Authentication
Availability and Reliability
Database and Datawarehouse Security
Dependability Modelling and Prediction
Dependability Requirement Engineering
Digital Forensics
Grid Security
Intrusion Detection and Fraud Detection
Network/Software/Database Security
Reliability Models and Failure Prevention
Risk planning, analysis & awareness
Secure Enterprise Information System
Security and privacy issues
Security Models / Methods
Standards, Guidelines and Certification
Survivability of Computing Systems
Trust Models and Trust Management
Usability and Security
Important dates
Submission Deadline
March 15th, 2013
Author Notification
May 15th, 2013
Author Registration
May 25th, 2013
Proceedings Version
June 14th, 2013
September 2nd - 6th, 2013
Submission Guidelines
The submission guidelines valid for the FARES workshop are the same as for the ARES conference. They can be found
Workshop Chairs
A Min Tjoa
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Edgar Weippl
SBA Research, Austria